Just Lay It Down Part 2

To let go of bitterness means that you must forgive those who have wronged you. It’s hard to do if you hold onto your anger until your knuckles turn white. But there’s a practical side to…
Thursday, November 1

Just Lay It Down Part 3

Many of us live with regret and hold on to anger. Our bitterness defiles both us and others. But there is a way to put bitterness behind us and move forward in dependence on God. Only then will we re…
Friday, November 2

Reconciling Broken Relationships Part 1

Once you’ve given up your bitterness against someone, how do you go about repairing the breach in your relationship? In this message you’ll learn how to build the bridges needed to make t…
Monday, November 5

Reconciling Broken Relationships Part 2

When a wrong is committed either by you or against you, reconciliation requires being honest with God and with the other person. Messes are difficult to clean up, but in this message, you’ll ge…
Tuesday, November 6

Reconciling Broken Relationships Part 3

When you’ve done wrong to another person, or when you’ve been wronged by them, making things right isn’t easy. But when things are right, the joy overwhelms even long years of pain.…
Wednesday, November 7

Reconciling Broken Relationships Part 4

Life can be very messy, especially when taking hits from the collateral damage of fractured relationships. Mending broken fences requires sensitivity and the grace of God. In this message you’l…
Thursday, November 8

Keeping Your Conscience Clear Part 1

Maintaining a clear conscience is not what the devil has in mind for the children of God. He tells lies to enslave us once more under the bondage of a defiled conscience. But we have the tools to res…
Friday, November 9

Keeping Your Conscience Clear Part 2

The Bible gives believers a big-picture view of God’s will for us to be holy, but it also gives specifics on how we should act toward each other. Paul has such a list in Ephesians chapter 5. Ho…
Monday, November 12

Keeping Your Conscience Clear Part 3

To maintain a clear conscience, we need to be vigilant, lest any works of darkness find their way into our lives. That’s what Paul told the Ephesian believers, as he counseled them to “wa…
Tuesday, November 13

Keeping Your Conscience Clear Part 4

Ultimately, the key to a clear conscience is to walk in the light and stay out of the darkness. When we stick to that plan, we’ll have the joy of unbroken fellowship with God. In this message w…
Wednesday, November 14

The Old Testament Part 1 #1 of 4

The sins of mankind separated us from our Creator. But God was not content to let His creatures die without hope. He had set in motion a plan to redeem those who believe in the value of a great sacri…
Thursday, November 15

The Old Testament Part 1 #2 of 4

Redemption did not begin when Jesus appeared on earth. In the mind of God, it began before the foundations of the world were laid. Genesis 3:15 depicts a promised Redeemer who would one day crush Sat…
Friday, November 16

The Old Testament Part 1 #3 of 4

As we take a big-picture view of the whole Bible, we’re exploring the Drama of Redemption—a summary of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. In this message we look at the Old Testament a…
Monday, November 19

The Old Testament Part 1 #4 of 4

Ancient Israel split in two when King Rehoboam unwisely raised taxes. Ten tribes revolted. Jeroboam became their king, ruling in the north. In the south, two tribes became the kingdom of Judah.
Tuesday, November 20

The Old Testament Part 2 #1 of 3

The Old Testament includes many genres: prophecy, history, law, and even wisdom literature such as Psalms and Proverbs. All of these fit together to give us a big-picture view of God’s work in …
Wednesday, November 21

The Old Testament Part 2 #2 of 3

After seventy years of captivity, Israel’s people were allowed to return home. And that’s where we pick up the story in God’s unfolding drama of redemption. God brought salvation th…
Thursday, November 22

The Old Testament Part 2 #3 of 3

The nation of Israel existed as a fulfillment of God’s promises. Israel was to bring forth a Messiah who would die as an offering for sin. After His sacrifice, He would be raised from the dead,…
Friday, November 23

The New Testament Part 1 #1 of 3

In the drama of redemption, the Old Testament is a grand prologue. In the New Testament, the great transaction takes place. God’s sacrifice for the sins of the whole world was offered on a cros…
Monday, November 26

The New Testament Part 1 #2 of 3

The Bible’s central theme: bringing God and humanity together through an atoning sacrifice on the cross, reconciling the two parties. In the Old Testament, this was prefigured using animals at …
Tuesday, November 27

The New Testament Part 1 #3 of 3

After Israel’s last prophet, no Scripture was written for 400 years. But then, a baby was born, ushering in a new time of spiritual revelation. That new time brought us a New Testament, explain…
Wednesday, November 28

The New Testament Part 2 #1 of 4

The Book of Revelation is written in apocalyptic language rich in symbolism. It portrays the future yet to be: the glorious return of Jesus, the resurrection of the dead, the judgment of God, the Mil…
Thursday, November 29

The New Testament Part 2 #2 of 4

Until we enter eternity, the book of Revelation is our best source to grasp the wonder of what lies ahead. It gives us a glimpse into the closing act of God’s great drama of redemption, and it …
Friday, November 30