Death To Self-Will

Ask a farmer and he’ll tell you that mules can be stubborn. But none of God’s creation is as stubborn as mankind. Amazingly, even redeemed men and women try to resist His will. In this me…
Sunday, August 4

Death To Self-Reliance

Sometimes, circumstances overwhelm us, forcing us to turn to God for a way out. Jonah was certainly overwhelmed in the belly of a great fish. That experience truly marked his death to self-reliance. …
Sunday, August 11

Death To Self-Interest

Some believers will only obey God after He teaches them a lesson the hard way. Jonah finally went to Nineveh, a little worse for wear, after three days inside a fish. Even then, the prophet of God wa…
Sunday, August 18

Death To Self-Justification

If the Lord brought a revival of repentance to a city, most of God’s people would rejoice. But not Jonah. He felt double-crossed. God withheld the judgment Jonah had prophesied against Nineveh.…
Sunday, August 25