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Blog Post

How Often Do We Need The Spirit’s Filling? | When The Spirit Has His Way #5

All Christians have the Spirit of God dwelling within them. But how do we access the Spirit’s power in our daily, mundane tasks? Pastor Lutzer unpacks the requirements for being filled by the Holy Spirit, resulting in the transformation of our character. Imagine a movement of Christians praying every day for God’s Spirit to renovate our priorities and our lives.  Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with Pastor … Read More >

Blog Post

What Deeds Will Survive Judgment? | The King Is Coming #8

Forgiven Christians will be judged for their deeds—whether good or evil. As we stand before Jesus’ Bema seat, what will last? Pastor Lutzer shows five types of deeds that survive, depicted as “gold, silver, and precious stones.” Our eternal rewards are all meant for Jesus.  Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with Pastor Lutzer." I'm so glad that you joined us again today. Our series actually is entitled, … Read More >

Blog Post

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We Must Move On!

After bitter disputes as to whether the election was stolen, after a mob of thugs desecrated our nation’s Capitol, after listening to charges and countercharges… We must move on. No matter who you voted for, no matter what news outlets you watch, no matter how angry or glad you are that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be our next president and vice-president… We must move on. You have heard it said that, as believers, our unity in Christ as Savior and Lord must always transcend politics and race. Well, the time to test whether we actually believe this is … Read More >

Blog Post

The Attributes of God | Week 24: Truth

Error that is contrary to God's truth may work for a time—but you must ask, "What does it work for, and for how long?" Let's look at the difference between false "truth" and God's truth. "Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth."- Colossians 1:5b-6 Here are all of the ways that you can … Read More >

Blog Post

Quiet Hour - Day 358

Thoughts for the Quiet Hour - December 24 Continue in prayer. —Colossians 4:2 Our prayers often resemble the mischievous tricks of town children, who knock at their neighbor’s houses and then run away; we often knock at heaven’s door and then run off into the spirit of the world; instead of waiting for entrance and answer, we act as if we were afraid of having our prayers answered. —Williams Read More >

Blog Post

How Can A Normal Day Bring God Glory? | Living For The Glory Of God #5

Some circumstances just don’t seem glorious. Our health is elusive, our work is mundane, and our suffering is relentless. Pastor Lutzer describes four ways God can be glorified in every circumstance of our lives. No matter what comes each day, we can wake up focused on our chief purpose in life: the glory of God.  Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with Pastor Lutzer." As I've been going … Read More >

Blog Post

Jesus Paid It All | Cries From the Cross #8

Pastor Erwin Lutzer says, “All of us are born with an expiration date.” When Jesus breathed his last words, He knew he had completed all the work the Father had given Him to do. Pastor Lutzer proclaims what the finished work of Christ did on our behalf. When we reach our final days, will we have finished what God called us to do?  Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 … Read More >

Blog Post

No Distractions | Finding God's Will #2

It’s hard to focus on what matters when you struggle with people-pleasing. You can know what God’s will is, even in a difficult position like the slaves who were Christians in biblical times. Whatever God has given you to do or whoever’s approval you seek, Pastor Lutzer zeroes in on God’s will from the heart. Pleasing the Lord is what really matters.  Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes … Read More >

Blog Post

5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer | Christians, Politics, And The Cross Part 4

As believers, we are one in Christ—not because we share common interests, but because we share a common life! And this bond far transcends any political opinions or disagreements. Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Play On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to Five Minutes With Pastor Lutzer. I'm so glad that you've joined us today as we have this discussion of Christians, politics, and the cross. My intention in this series is not to get into the nitty-gritty of all of the political … Read More >

Blog Post

Day 22 – Paid in Full

Today’s Reading: Mark 15:37-38; John 19:30Today’s Reference: Colossians 2:13-14 “And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.” “It is finished.” In Greek, this cry of Jesus is one word, tetelestai, and in legal terms it could also mean “paid in full.” Jesus wants us to know that our sins are paid in full. There is not one little … Read More >

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