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Resources About Hell

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The Moody Church's theological position on hell and the lake of fire.

Ask Pastor Lutzer


I can accept most of the doctrines taught by Christians, but I can’t accept the doctrine of an eternal hell …


Well William you certainly have chosen a very, very difficult question for me to answer. And it’s one I’m sure …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I've heard a growing number of pastors and Bible teachers talking about the destruction of unsaved souls.

They say that …


Well William, indeed, many books have been written about this and some have taken the position that you have outlined. …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I've always been taught that God loves all people unconditionally, and that when we accept Jesus as Savior, we go …


Beverly, I have to say that what you’ve asked is one of the most difficult questions that I’ve ever had …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


Pastor Lutzer, if person commits suicide, will they go to hell?

And, would you classify suicide as self-murder?


Joseph, the answer to your second question is yes, I do believe that suicide is self-murder.

A person who commits …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


Recently on a radio show you said that Ananias and Sapphira are in Heaven.

It seems to me that your …


Well Wayne, first of all I want to tell you that I’m so glad that you asked your question.

I …

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