The Discipline Of Silence Part 1

There are times when we must shut out the noises we’ve grown so accustomed to. Turn off the TV, and put down your smartphone. Draw near to God in the silence, and you’ll find that what re…
Wednesday, May 1

The Discipline Of Silence Part 2

For many, silence is uncomfortable. We want sensory input to fill every waking moment. But the Bible tells us there are times to set it all aside, pursuing God in silence and waiting upon Him. It&rsq…
Thursday, May 2

A Step Of Faith Part 1

Before there was a Bible, before the Old Testament was written, God called a man out of Ur and promised to make him into a great nation. Seeing that promise fulfilled required great faith. Abraham fa…
Friday, May 3

A Step Of Faith Part 2

When God makes a unilateral promise, you can rely on it. God told Abraham that all the earth would be blessed through his posterity. But Abraham would only ever see that promise fulfilled through the…
Monday, May 6

A Wavering Faith Part 1

Abraham was chosen by God to leave the comforts of Ur and journey to a land he had never seen. His house became a tent, and he came face to face with challenges he had never expected. Abraham’s…
Tuesday, May 7

A Wavering Faith Part 2

To save his skin, Abraham bent the truth and told Egypt’s Pharaoh that his wife was his sister. His journey of faith hit an early snag as he tried to out-maneuver the Egyptians rather than trus…
Wednesday, May 8

A Costly Faith Part 1

After backsliding in Egypt, Abraham returned to God. His renewed faith is seen during a dispute with his nephew Lot. Let’s learn from Abraham why we don’t have to manipulate circumstances…
Thursday, May 9

A Costly Faith Part 2

Abraham let his nephew Lot pick the land he wanted, and he agreed to take what was left over. Lot quickly chose the best even though it would lead to ruin. God gives His best to those who entrust the…
Friday, May 10

A Generous Faith Part 1

The book of Genesis tells of beginnings—creation, the Fall, and God’s intent to send a Redeemer through the nation of His choosing. Abraham is key to God’s blossoming story of redem…
Monday, May 13

A Generous Faith Part 2

Lot chose to ally with the King of Sodom, to his eventual ruin. Abraham paid homage to the King of Salem, Melchizedek, priest of the God Most High. From that choice has flowed blessing to the entire …
Tuesday, May 14

A Lasting Faith Part 1

In Genesis 15, God promises Abraham many offspring and pledges to give them much of the Middle East. Now that’s a big promise! God guaranteed a land and a people to bring forth the Redeemer.
Wednesday, May 15

A Lasting Faith Part 2

In Genesis 15, God makes an unconditional covenant with Abraham. God says He will do what He promises—no matter what. Let’s learn why that covenant means that the work of Jesus is all tha…
Thursday, May 16

A Misdirected Faith Part 1

Sometimes, we try to engineer circumstances to bring God’s will to pass. Abraham did that when God promised him countless offspring. Since his wife was too old, he slept with their Egyptian mai…
Friday, May 17

A Misdirected Faith Part 2

Sarah’s idea for Abraham to father a promised heir through her maid backfired. Sarah grew jealous, and Hagar ran away to escape the torment. But God found her and comforted her in the midst of …
Monday, May 20

A Growing Faith Part 1

For 99 years he was known as Abram. But according to the purposes of God, he was then called Abraham, the “father of many nations.” How could this be? Ishmael was a teenager, and Isaac wa…
Tuesday, May 21

A Growing Faith Part 2

Genesis 21 tells of the parting between the two sons of Abraham. Ishmael was cast out of the house along with his mother Hagar. God’s clear intention, as carried out by Abraham, was for Isaac t…
Wednesday, May 22

A Praying Faith Part 1

One day, Abraham came out of his tent and saw three men standing there. But these men were not ordinary men! With keen spiritual insight, he sensed that he was in the presence of the Lord. As Hebrews…
Thursday, May 23

A Praying Faith Part 2

God had agreed to spare Sodom if ten righteous were found. Abraham had worked hard, thinking that he had struck a sure deal as he negotiated with the Lord. There had to be 10! But then the smoke rose…
Friday, May 24

A Wordly Faith Part 1

Sodom’s debauchery was relentless to the end. The brimstone was coming as God mercifully sent two angels to rescue Lot’s family before the destruction arrived. Lot’s story is a mess…
Monday, May 27

A Tested Faith Part 1

There are few places in the Bible that draw more tears than the account found in Genesis 22. Abraham was told to sacrifice his son Isaac, the son of promise, the son through whose line the Redeemer w…
Tuesday, May 28

A Tested Faith Part 2

To make sure we understood Calvary, God gave us Mount Moriah. There Abraham, a picture of God the Father, was told to sacrifice Isaac, the picture of Christ the Son. To read Genesis 22 is to weep. In…
Wednesday, May 29

The Eternality Of God Part 1

The Bible tells us about God and His purposes. Not everything is crystal clear, though. There are mysteries we cannot understand in this life, especially as we consider the nature of God Himself. But…
Thursday, May 30

The Eternality Of God Part 2

In Psalm 90, Moses wrote, “From everlasting to everlasting you are God.” He compares God’s eternality to our short spans of life, reminding us to “number our days that we may …
Friday, May 31