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Have We Lost Our Christian Unity? | No Reason To Hide #6

By Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are high values in our culture today. Although many are concerned about what’s been done against people of color, what prevents us from espousing a victim versus oppressor mentality? Pastor Lutzer articulates a biblical view of race, ethnicity, and unity. Christians have more in common than we realize. 

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Why Is The “Religion Of Self” A Delusion? | No Reason To Hide #5

By Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Many people are into spirituality today—but only on their terms. If the "god" we follow doesn’t have any disagreement with us, then we must evaluate whether we might be fashioning a deity in our own image. Pastor Lutzer cuts to the heart of the “religion of self.” What can save us from our deluded ideas of greatness?

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What’s Our Culture’s Most Cherished Lie? | No Reason To Hide #4

By Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Many live with a dangerous delusion. It’s a lie which creeps throughout world history in various ways. Pastor Lutzer evaluates Marx's and Freud's thought to see their influence on our culture and politics today. In our day of critical theories, deconstruction, and relativized truth, the Christian worldview is built on a more durable, sure foundation.

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How Can We Stand For Christ In Good Conscience? | No Reason To Hide #3

By Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Christian convictions are being challenged by the prevailing cultural narrative. We might say nothing or even go along with the dominant cultural ideas. Pastor Lutzer defines the courage it takes to speak carefully, according to our conscience, in a day when freedom of speech is being uniquely censored. To go against conscience is neither right nor safe. 

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Why Is Cancel Culture So Dangerous? | No Reason To Hide #2

By Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Everyone is supposed to clap for what’s culturally acceptable. What happens when an entire group is collectively demonized? Pastor Lutzer tells the story of Alexander Solzhenitsyn and the reasons why he stood against the political repression of the Soviet Union in his day. When Christian convictions are canceled in the workplace, schools, or social media platforms, to whom do we turn? 

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